I’m a Somatic Sex Therapist & Sex Coach, in Glasgow & Edinburgh, Scotland, for Individuals and Couples wanting more pleasure, exploration and connection
How can I have the sex life I deserve?
I can help you with intimacy, sexual healing, erotic pleasure and sexual confidence, through talking, consensual touch and education, in a variety of ways, each of which is warm, open, collaborative and – most importantly – safe. My somatic sexology work helps you discover and have confidence in your own erotic embodied nature. I don’t work just with the body or just through talking, I work with you as a whole person, in all your beauty and uniqueness.
In the Bodywork aspect of my practice, clients frequently come to me experiencing very little sensual or erotic pleasure, never mind passionate sex. They often feel there’s something wrong with them. They may very rarely, or never, orgasm in partnered sex. When with a partner they are often just focused on the needs and wants of the partner. Other people just want to discover and be more happy in their unique erotic being, but don’t know how to find it, or where to start. And other people seem to have blocks which cause stress and anxiety and make it very difficult to experience touch pleasurably. If any of this sounds like you, our work will help you to feel confident and at home in your body, establishing pleasurable relaxation as the foundation for building an eroticism which is authentic to you, and which enables you to have happier relationships, and better sex. Touch is one way only and I remain clothed throughout the session.
In the Sex Coaching aspect of my practice, I work with you to discover and liberate your unique sexual nature, which is often repressed, and to identify and deal with blocks to your happiness and expression.
In my Couples Therapy, I help you deepen intimacy and open up the range of your sexual expression, confidence and connection. Your relationship needs loving care and attention to grow. Please don’t wait until there’s a crisis.
And in my Sexual Education work I teach men and women how to touch and relate and how to gain ease and a sense of connection. This is particularly useful if you feel you are sexually inexperienced or lacking confidence.
Please see my videos below for more information.
You can read more about my approach here.
You could also have a look at my free mini course Sexuality Maps. There’s a subscribe button on this page.
I am a seasoned sex therapist and somatic sexologist. I work in Glasgow and Edinburgh. I’m also a meditation teacher and dancer.
If you’re interested in my sex therapy work but can’t do regular sessions because of distance – you’re in London, say, or Birmingham or Newcastle – I offer the option of working in depth for an agreed amount of hours within a short visit. You can find out more in the link, but basically you get a plane or train up to Glasgow or Edinburgh, stay for one or two nights, and we structure a series of sessions around your visit to maximise the therapeutic time we have together. There’s more detail here
Likewise, if you’re in Scotland but not in the Central Belt, I can design specific packages with you. So, for example, if you’re in Dundee or Aberdeen, you could get the train down on Saturday afternoon, we have a session in the late afternoon/early evening, a further session on Sunday morning, and you then get the train home.
I was until recently the co-Creator and co-Principal Teacher of The School Of Conscious Touch, which provided unique in-person professional somatic sexology training in Scotland. I continue to provide one-to-one mentoring for people wishing to create their own practice in the sexuality field in a way authentic and unique to them, and I also provide supervision for practitioners.
I have written extensively about somatic sexuality, sexology, sexual pleasure, embodiment and relating, and you can find my articles here. These give a broad sense of the wide range of my work, and my perspective as a sexual therapist.
Addressing long standing sexual issues can be challenging. I appreciate the courage it requires, so I offer a free and completely confidential informal chat, either in person in Glasgow [or, by arrangement, in Edinburgh] or by telephone so you can find out more.
If you text me on 07545 707751 or email me at johnwebberfraser@gmail.com, we can arrange that.
There are some of the ways you can work with me here for individuals and here, for couples
John Fraser is a member of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists (ASIS), please check their code of ethics here.
John Fraser is insured with BGI for personal and public liability.