Journey to Growth: take a break in Edinburgh for in person work tailored for you
tIf you don’t live in or near Glasgow or Edinburgh, I offer the option of working with me in a focused yet spacious way over a short period.
How does it work?
Firstly, we’ll have an initial conversation, either by telephone or Zoom so I can get to know you and get a sense of whether I can help, and what your goals might be for our work together. That call is free.
If you decide to go ahead, we’ll then have a more detailed discussion to go into this in more depth. That may be over one or several calls.
These conversations are important, because they help to establish safety and connection, which is a prerequisite for any real change.
We agree in ballpark terms what sort of work we’ll do, the hours we’ll work together, and the time period within which we’ll work, and I’ll keep that period completely free, so we have maximum flexibility.
I live in the beautiful city of Edinburgh, so you could tie in our work with an exploration of this wonderful city.
And once you get the idea of physical distance out of the way, and think in terms of time distance, it’s eminently do-able. The chances are high that there’s frequent and cheap flights from an airport near you direct to Edinburgh. It will take less than an hour. That’s less time than it takes to get across London. And if there isn’t a flight, but you’re in Birmingham say, or Manchester, or Newcastle, there’s very likely to be a direct train, which won’t take that long [and we can tailor the time to match up with your best travel options].
After our work, we’d then have a further, detailed call in the following week, to help with integration.
There are big advantages to working this way. There is enough time to go quite deep, but -crucially – enough time and space so we can go at the right pace and not rush things, with enough flexibility to slow or quicken the pace, or take breaks, as the work between us develops. It’s helpful to think in terms of spaciousness, rather than intensity.
Obviously, the cost isn’t insignificant. You can see details of costs on my Contact Page [which are flexible, depending on your income], but because I like working in this way, I’d give you a quarter off my applicable rate.
If you’re interested in exploring the possibility, let’s chat. You can either email me at, or text me on 07545707751, and we’ll get something in the diary.